

Mision, Vision, Values

“ To offer high end contemporary furniture, interior design and contemporary art, to satisfy our consumer’s preferences ”.
We add value to our products for our customers, offering them high quality and exclusive designs, tailor-made for each one of them. We achieve all this through our design team’s creativity and commitment. The design team offers ad-hoc solutions to satisfy the preferences of each customer.

¨Mogano aims to be leader for the high end contemporary furniture in the South America´s market
Does that sound ambitious? It should. Because a vision is all about setting up such ambitious goals that you have to do your very best to keep moving in the right direction.

We work the best way possible, looking for continuous improvement.
We are keen on design and art. Cooperation and team work are our essence. We appreciate our employees’ creativity. We are strongly comitted to the company’s and our customers’ interests.

Natural resources are scarse and exhaustible; that is why Mogano is determined to protect them. We think it is our duty to preserve the environment and to use its natural resources carefully both in our manufacturing processes and in our products.
